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Replacing Dentures

Disadvantages of Dentures

Traditionally, dentures have been the best option when patients had no healthy teeth remaining. This prosthesis was better than nothing, but it has numerous disadvantages, including:
•  Discomfort or soreness on the gums
•  Rapid visible appearance of aging
•  Limitation of foods you are able to eat
•  Dentures coming loose and falling out
•  Decreased self confidence
•  Frequent problems with bad breath

Lower denture lifted up to show off the toothless gumline below
Lower denture without any support becomes ill-fitting as the bone resorbs, or melts away.
Fixed denture screwed on multi-unit dental implants in the lower jaw
Fixed denture screwed on multi-unit abutments.

Patients get frustrated with dentures and the frequency of adjustments, repair, relining and eventually replacement. Dentures need to be adjusted frequently because the bone is rapidly resorbing, or deteriorating. Unfortunately, dentures actually accelerate this deterioration process, causing patients with dentures to always have problems with proper fit and function of their dentures.

These problems can be solved with implant-retained dentures. Leslie I. Davis, BDS, DDS, PC is able to provide you with dentures that are permanently held in place using dental implants. This system is strong, stable and will help you maintain the integrity of your facial structures and preserve your jawbone.

A Better Option for Dentures

There are many advantages to implant-retained dentures including:
•  They are so comfortable that many of our patients forget that they are even there.
•  They almost halt the bone resorption process, helping you maintain healthy bone.
•  The integrity of your facial structure is maintained.
•  We frequently hear that the patients overall appearance is improved.
•  Unlike dentures, this system does not cover the roof of your mouth, meaning our patients can taste food again.
•  The need for repair is much less than traditional dentures, if ever.
•  Your natural chewing ability is restored, it will feel like your natural teeth.
•  You will never have to deal with messy adhesives, or a glass full of false teeth.

Dr. Davis knows that replacing your dentures with implant-retained dentures will improve your quality of life. Many patients worry about the cost, but you may be surprised at how little difference it is than other teeth replacement options and the difference in your daily life would be significant enough that the difference is worth it.

The The Arizona Institute for Periodontics & Dental Implants offers free dental implant seminars to help you learn more about your options for replacing your dentures.

Sign up for our free seminar or call our Sun City West, AZ office at (623) 584-0664 for more information or to schedule a no-obligation consultation.
The Arizona Institute for Periodontics & Dental Implants
Leslie I. Davis, BDS, DDS, PC
13802 W Camino del Sol Suite 103
Sun City West, AZ 85375-4486

Phone: (623) 584-0664
Fax: (623) 584-1728

Monday: 7am-3pm
Tuesday: 7am-3pm
Wednesday: 7am-3pm
Thursday: 7am-3pm
Friday: Closed

Initial Consultations
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Arizona Institute for Periodontics & Dental Implants, 13802 W Camino del Sol, Suite 103, Sun City West, AZ 85375 ~ (623) 584-0664 ~ ~ 8/30/2024 ~ Page Keywords: Dental Implants Sun City West AZ ~